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How Can the XTRAC Laser Help With My Psoriasis?

laser therapy helps with skin conditions

Psoriasis patches can be itchy and painful. They can come and go and appear anywhere, but they’re most often located on your elbows, knees, scalp, and/or lower back.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that greatly speeds up the life cycle of skin cells, making them multiply up to 10 times faster than usual. Extra skin cells build up on the surface of your skin as a result and form red patches covered with white scales.

What causes psoriasis?

Researchers think psoriasis is related to an immune system problem that’s caused by a combination of genetics and environmental triggers. The following are thought to cause psoriasis:

  • Genes: Certain genes can make you more likely to get psoriasis, but even if you have these genes, you may not get this skin disease.
  • Hormones: Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can cause psoriasis to show up or flare up.
  • Heavy drinking: Especially if you’re a younger man, heavy drinking can increase your risk of getting psoriasis.
  • Infections: These include strep throat or skin infections.
  • Skin injuries: These include a bug bite, cut, scrape, or severe sunburn
  • Smoking
  • Stress: Your immune system may respond to stress the same way as it does to an infection or other physical problem.
  • Vitamin D deficiency

How is it treated?

Psoriasis can’t yet be cured, but it can be treated. The following are some common types of treatments:

  • Creams and ointments: Medications such as topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, topical retinoids, and salicylic acid can be used to treat mild to moderate psoriasis. For more severe cases of the disease, a cream or ointment can be combined with another type of treatment.
  • XTRAC laser: This laser utilizes the same principle as light therapy, which has been successful in treating psoriasis outbreaks. Its results, however, are more rapid. The treatment uses a highly concentrated form of UVB light to attack the DNA of T-cells, which are overproduced in people with psoriasis. By breaking up these cells, each psoriasis outbreak lasts for a much shorter period, and large patches can be treated and cleared with one treatment. Although they’re effective in treating outbreaks, the lasers don’t cure psoriasis, so treatment must be repeated.

What are the benefits of the XTRAC laser treatment?

The XTRAC laser provides the following benefits:

  • Treatment takes just a few minutes.
  • The laser precisely targets the correct areas and doesn’t affect the surrounding skin.
  • It may require fewer sessions than some other light therapy treatments.
  • Results are quick and visible.
  • It’s a good alternative to other treatments since medication can be ineffective or cause side effects.
  • You won’t need to have any downtime after your treatment.

To learn more about the XTRAC laser, make an appointment today with Skin Center of South Miami or call us at 305-740-6181. Our team of dermatologists has extensive experience in providing the latest, most effective treatments for a wide range of skin conditions, including psoriasis.


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