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How long does IPL treatment last?

woman are happy with perfect clean healthy skin and beautiful long brown hair.If you’ve heard of IPL, or “intense pulsed light” treatments and wondered about whether or not they would be a great way to enhance your skin’s appearance and health, you are not alone! At the Skin Center of South Miami, we work routinely with patients who are interested in improving their skin. Patients with imperfections such as brown spots, freckles, and other signs of sun damage may consider using IPL treatments for skin enhancement. However, many patients are unsure as to how long it takes for the results to be seen—and may also wonder how long these improvements will last.

What is IPL treatment?

Intense pulsed light is a technology that uses broad-spectrum light to target various skin concerns. This type of treatment is non-invasive, which means that there is no need for surgery or downtime following the treatment.

What might I use IPL to treat?

IPL can be used to reduce brown spots, sun damage, redness, and other skin issues, including poor skin texture and tone. Patients with various skin needs may find IPL to be a great treatment to address all these issues while improving skin's health and appearance.

How long does it take for results to be seen?

Most patients begin to see improvement in their skin within 1-2 treatments. However, it is important to remember that everyone’s skin is different and results may vary.

How long will the results last?

The results of an IPL treatment  are typically long-lasting. Patients will want to ensure that they use sunscreen to avoid the reversal of effects due to sun exposure.  Additionally, to see long-term changes, patients will want to work with our team to have IPL treatments done on a regular basis to slow the signs of aging and keep hyperpigmentation from becoming darker with time.

Schedule an appointment with the team at the Skin Center of South Miami

South Miami, FL area patients who are interested in learning more about the benefits of IPL treatment and what to expect from the service are welcome to book a consultation schedule with our team of professionals. Call (305) 740-6181 to request a visit at 7800 SW 57th Avenue, Suite #110.


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